Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Life of a Threenager

This post will be in pictures, it will be in pictures because I am horrible at keeping up to date with life. Especially now that Marcos season has officially started, I'm home alone with a threenager a lot. Don't get me wrong. I AM NOT COMPLAINING, I just am terrible at updates... I mean how hard is it to write a few words right?!? Apparently for me, very.
Basically these are bits and pieces of our life the last two months.
Dig in.
Oh, and Luca and I will be going to the States in a week for more than 3 months this summer. Yes THREE. I will give you the whole rundown (is that a word?) soon.
I promise.
Peace, love, and enjoy

school is out, summer is here, that means there are parties every evening. The villa next to our apartment building doesn't let a summer storm get in the way

I won't tell you how many birthday cakes and celebrations Luca's had, its embarrassing. lets just say this was on week three  AFTER his actual birthday. In his defence though, our neighbours couldn't come to his actual birthday party so we went over for pizza and cake:)

they did not go in the street I promise

Marco will hate me for this. Good thing he doesn't read my blog!

out on our lagoon
at the beans 3rd birthday party. It was bliss for all of us. 

it was hard having 20 hands wanting to help open presents 
taking it back, way back, like more than a month back. Luc and I ready to take off for the US

Lucy, Simie, and Sonja, the sweetest team ever

in VE with Pops and my aunt Brigitte 

Lucy enjoying the only rain free day in the 15 days we were in Baltimore

My friends wedding was a fairytale one. Luca thought so too

mothers day brunch at home in Baltimore. Don't mind my granny apron, thats all my Mom has, and so be it.  Someone had to cook!

playing in a museum with Gam.

ring around the gnome with Pops

get togethers in playgrounds

on our way to Connecticut by train, passing Queens

looking at the lush garden. I think there were more weeds than anything else.

Pops must sit in chair.

kissing a stuffed hedgehog... In Treviso

bananas, pineapple, father and son.

his spot in our garden at home. he gathers strawberries and eats them like that. Always. 

bright and early on the morning of the Vogalonga in Venice. 

My amazing Daddy

Father and son in law. they get along pretty dang swell.

Luca and his pastry.

When Marco is gone, Luc and I spend a lot of time in Treviso with my mother in law. its a win win kind of situation

making, errr eating one of his cakes

celebrating with Nonno

celebrating with Nonna

oh it hurts how much I love this little big bean 

eating roast at Nonna for his birthday lunch

100% from our garden. 100% organic. Planted with love by my hubs, and devoured my myself.

When we go to a playground, and here are no kids, luca gets so upset... He absolutely loves playing with kids, littler or big.  I turned around for a second and he had hopped onto the horse this boy was on. Luckily the boy didn't mind. Luca does however say is name and asks if he can play. sometimes he doesn't wait for an answer. or when they say no, they could have just as well punched him in the face...

it never gets old

sand carving in Jesolo 

3 generations of monkeys 

lets see how many pictures i can get of Luca eating a pastry at a cafe. or not.

birthday present play in the garden

that face

Venetian lunches with my Daddy and Aunt

playing at Nonnos

great food, such an assortment of people. All of which are family. Nuff said

no caption sorry.

"snapping" peas

Lucas picture for preschool. I am the the one I'm worried about, not Luca he'll be fine. He's more than ready. Im not.

on that note, look what I found. Luca and his cousin Emerson. 2 and 6 months. HOW IS MY BABY 3!!!!!!!!!!